Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Who needs taxis?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending a bit of time with Bikes vs Cars director Fredrik Gertten.

Over a cup of coffee at Uplink Factory, he told me about why he decided to make the film and how bike advocacy groups in cities around the world are helping to bring about a "paradigm shift" away from car-centric city planning.  I also learned about some, maybe not so surprising, challenges he has faced in getting the film shown and distributed in Japan. For example, one very large and well-known media company here, who has bought his films in the past, turned "Bikes vs Cars" down with a simple "..but bikes are bad too."  Huh?

Anyway, it quickly became obvious to me that Director Gertten is incredibly passionate in his belief that the bicycle can be a great tool for bringing about positive change in our cities.

And he is a man who practices what he preaches!  Since he arrived on Tuesday, he has been making the most of the bike Dahon Bikes very generously offered him to use during his stay.  Here is a shot of him managing his very hectic PR schedule, with the assistance of a Dahon folding bike and the Tokyo subway system - two good things that go great together!
The Japan premiere of his award winning film "Bikes vs Cars" is this Sunday at Uplink Factory in Shibuya.

Tickets can be purchased here.
@uplink_jp @dahonbikes @Dahon_jp@cycleembassyJP @bikes_vs_cars