Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Beer Fes 2014 Bike Rides!

Planning on going to Beer Fes 2013 on Saturday? - why not make the most of the day while you are visiting Yokohama by taking a scenic bike ride over to the festival at Osanbashi Pier? 

Escorted waterfront bike rides on Yokohama Rides and Rentals folding bikes are available from Yokohama Station to the event at Osanbashi Pier. Takes from 40 minutes to an hour.  Only ¥1000 for 1 person, ¥1600 for 2 people and ¥2000 for 3! Saturday only!

Contact me at james@yokohamabikerides if you would like to reserve a time -else it`s first come first serve -  look for the guy with the tremendous blue cargo bike at Yokohama Station`s Northeast Exit A.

Great Japan Beer Festival Yokohama (aka BeerFes)- English info


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cycling excursions to off-the-beaten path Ofuna

The hot and sticky Summer is finally coming to an end (trust me) -  and the best time for cycling in Japan will soon be upon us.

Though not very well known, the town of Ofuna, only a short train ride from Yokohama, has some very interesting sites to see as laid out here in this recent Japan Today article - 

Japan Today: Don`t Overlook Ofuna

Entrance to Taya Cave

As always, Yokohama Rides and Rentals cycling excursions can be arranged to suit your schedule and time constraints, but basically, I can meet you and your party (max party of 4) at Yokohama station with our compact folding Pacific Carryme and Dahon bicycles. Next, we will take the bikes aboard the train to Ofuna where we will head off at a nice easy pace towards the mysterious hand-carved tunnels of Taya Cave, followed by a visit to the nearby glass studio, next an optional soba lunch, where we can power up for those last few kilometers to the Kannon Temple and the beautiful garden near the river.

It`s a fun, healthy, easy ride that can be done in just a few hours -it is certainly less of a hassle than taking all those buses and cabs! Train fare, entrance fees, and bike rental fees all included. Only ¥6000 per person (+ ¥1000 if you would like lunch)

Contact me at james@yokohamabikerides to make arrangements.

Pacific Carryme in the Ofuna Rice Fields