Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yuba Mundo

My new Yuba Mundo!  The Mundo, with it`s 200 kg load capacity, should be up to the task of hauling folding bikes to "Yokohama Rides and Rentals" customers.  

In addition, I placed an order for four Pacific Carryme folders for the new rental bike biz today. 

Pacific Carryme in NYC -  some nice photos illustrating the many ways the Carryme can enhance a tourist`s sightseeing experience. 

Still thinking about other bikes to offer rental customers.  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Night cycling along the Yokohama waterfront

First post!

The best way to see Yokohama is on a bicycle - and the best time to ride in Yokohama is at night.  Few Cars, no crowds, and the scenery is spectacular!